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Maintaining WEEE Compliance

Under the WEEE Directive, producers must take several steps to enable end users to properly dispose of e-waste. In this article, we discuss how EU producers can meet these requirements.weiterlesen

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WEEE Directives: Managing E-Waste in the EU

The WEEE Directive is one of many ways in which the EU is addressing the growing problem of e-waste management. In this article, we discuss its history and developmentweiterlesen


Maintaining Compliance with the SCIP Database

Companies in the EU that manufacture, import, or distribute products containing SVHCs above a 0.1 mass percent (w/w) threshold are obligated to submit to the SCIP database. These companies are responsible for reporting the necessary information in a timely manner.weiterlesen


SCIP: Bringing the EU Waste Framework Directive Into the Future

The EU Waste Framework Directive was recently revised to help close the information gap between manufacturers and waste disposal companies regarding hazardous substances. Learn more about the new SCIP database in this article.weiterlesen


Maintaining REACH Compliance

The REACH regulation places responsibility on industries to manage the risks from chemicals. In this article, we explore how manufacturers and importers can comply with REACH.weiterlesen


An Introduction to REACH

The REACH regulation was adopted in the European Union to address the production and use of chemical substances and their potential impacts on both human health and the environment.weiterlesen


How RoHS Has Evolved

In this article, we take a closer look at the history of RoHS directives, from RoHS 1 (which took effect in 2006) up to the most recent directives under RoHS 3.weiterlesen


RoHS: What Is It and How Does It Improve Electronics Manufacturing?

The Restriction on the use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) originated in the European Union and restricts the use of six hazardous substances in electronic equipment.weiterlesen


Anleitung für Talema Ringkerntransformator Serie

Talema entwickelt und fertigt ein umfangreiches Sortiment an 50/60 Hz Ringkerntransformatoren. In diesem Artikel besprechen wir jede der Hauptserien des Talema-Katalogs, damit Sie die beste Auswahl für Ihre Anwendung treffen können.weiterlesen

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Übernahme der Talema Group durch die KAMIC Group AB

„Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Talema Group der KAMIC Group beitritt. Wir teilen ähnliche Technologien und Kenntnisse, bedienen aber unterschiedliche Märkte. Talema passt gut zu KAMIC und freut sich darauf, zusammen zu wachsen.“weiterlesen

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