Custom Toroidal Transformers

We are the experts in Custom Designed Toroidal Transformers. The Talema Group have been designing toroidal transformers since 1975. During that time we have designed many thousands of transformers for many varying applications.

Our design engineers have the knowledge and experience to design the transformer most suitable for your needs. This design expertise is backed up by over 40 years of manufacturing know-how.

We can design it. We can build it.

You can customise every aspect of your toroidal transformer, including:

Electrical: Input Tolerances, Regulation, Temperature Rise, Ambient Temperature, Load & No-Load conditions, etc.
Physical Dimensions (Diameter & Height)
Mounting Style – Open, Encapsulated, Centre Potted, Captive Inserts, DIN Rail mounting, PCB Mounting, lifting hooks/eyes, etc
Standards & Approvals : UL Standards for USA & Canada, IEC Approvals for Worldwide, ENEC, KEMA-KEUR & DEKRA Approvals for Europe.

Use the form below to send us your request, or contact us to discuss your custom toroidal transformer needs.

See also our patented Segment Custom Segmented Core Cap Medical Transformers

We are the experts in Custom Designed Toroidal Transformers. The Talema Group have been designing toroidal transformers since 1975. During that time we have designed many thousands of transformers for many varying applications.
Our design engineers have the knowledge and experience to design the transformer most suitable for your needs. This design expertise is backed up by over 40 years of manufacturing know-how.
We can design it. We can build it.

See also our patented Segment Custom Segmented Core Cap Medical Transformers

Cables & Connectors
We can customise the connection cable type and size to suit your equipment needs, saving you assembly time and cost. With stock of many different styles, sizes and colours of flexible equipment wire and sleeving materials, we can offer exactly what you need.


From the simple additions of individual male and female Faston spade terminals such as 6.3mm, 4.8mm and 2.8mm, Ring tags in varying styles, to multi-pole wire-to-board or wire-to-wire connectors from common manufacturers such as TE, AMP, Molex, JST, and many others, to complete wiring looms or assemblies with terminal blocks, inline thermistors, additional jumper-wires, and surge protectors.


Cable identification can use colours, number/letter cable markers, common sleeving, or any combination of these, helping you identify the connections to your equipment, making assembly more accurate and faster.

Connection leads can be positioned practically anywhere around the circumference to suit your equipment, or taken out at a specific height on the circumference to ease routing and prevent interference with other parts of the equipment above or below the transformer.



Terminal blocks can be mounted wherever they are needed, making your assembly fast and efficientCustom-Toroidal-Transformers-Mounting-Brackets


Mounting Methods
Custom mounting methods, from centre-potting with specific hole sizes and locations, captive threaded inserts, counterbores, to inclusion of removeable lifting hooks for ease of assembly on your production line.

Size & Dimensions
Generally the equipment designer is faced with the problem of ‘squeezing’ the power transformer into a confined space and The Talema Group have built up over 40 years of experience in designing toroidal transformers which fit into these confined spaces, and yet electrically and thermally out-perform the competition.


Standards & Approvals
With The Talema Group’s ability to provide instant Worldwide IEC approval, European “EN” approvals and UL Recognition on custom designed transformers, the equipment designer does not need to adjust their design to suit a “standard” transformer, just to get an approved part. More details on product approvals are available on our Safety Agency Approvals page.

We will be happy to provide you with a quote for a custom part. Use the form below to provide us with your custom toroidal transformer specifications or contact us by phone, email, or fax to discuss your needs in more detail. Contact Us, or simply send an email to

Please provide as much detailed specifications as possible. You may also upload any specification documents you have available.

Customer Contact Information

Technical Specifications

Primary (Input) Specifications

Secondary (Output) Specifications

Other Electrical Information

Mechanical / Construction information

Primary Lead Colors

Secondary Lead Colors

Additional Information

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